Raul Gardini 84% and Giulio Malgara 16% founded GARMA S.r.l.

Garma, a company 84% controlled by the Gardini Group and 16% of the new g.i.a., a company that controls the g.i.a. spa. the g.i.a. spa - an Italian food group - owns, among other things, 67.5% of Crippa and Berger, which in turn controls and distributes Caffe' hag, Vicenzi biscuits, Billy soft-drinks and Levissima mineral water. The total turnover of these activities is 330 billion a year.
With the purchase of the Italian food group, the annual industrial turnover of the Gardini Group in the food sector of consumer products reaches 2,330 billion lire divided as follows: cocoa and processed products 700 billion lire (Barry, in six European countries, in USA and in two African countries); meat and processed products 1.3 trillion (vital-sogeviandes, in France); 330 billion Mineral water, coffee, biscuits and drinks. Giulio Malgara is made Vice Chairman and CEO of the Garma S.r.l.

Malgara conquers the Cuore oil.

Garma Gourmet, a company active in the high-end food products sector, has reached an agreement for the purchase of the Chiari & Forti brand from the American multinational The Quaker Oats Co. The operation also provides for the acquisition of the Cuore oil, Topazio oil, Polenta Valsugana brands and the Silea plant in Treviso, as well as the marketing, until October 30 of 1996, of Gatorade drinks, pet food, Fido and Felix, and some Quaker breakfast cereal. Garma Gourmet, in order to financially support this important acquisition, increased its share capital, allowing the entry of other shareholders such as Mario Violati, a member of the family who formerly owned the Sangemini Ferrarelle group, who will assume the position of vice president together with Bruno Venturelli, Mediocredito Lombardo and Finban, merchant bank of the Banco di Napoli. The operation also saw financial support, with a medium-term loan, from Credito Italiano, as leader, as well as from Ambroveneto, Banca di Roma and Cariplo. With this new acquisition, the Malgara Group chaired by Giulio Malgara continues its development strategy in the Italian and European food market, following the two recent purchases of Freschi doc, the fresh pasta producer with a 25% market share and a turnover of 15 billion, and 50%, taken over by the Salomon family, of Fresco in casa, a company active in the sector of frozen products at home which, at the end of the year, will record revenues of around 10 billion lire. The brands acquired represent an annual turnover of over 200 billion lire, which will be added to the over 80 billion lire in aggregate revenues achieved in 1994.

Malgara bets on Fini and buys from the American Kraft

Giulio Malgara continues the purchasing campaign of Italian brands that ended up under the control of multinationals in recent years and adds the Fini brand to those controlled through Chiari & Forti and Paf (fresh pasta). Fini had been purchased eight years ago by the American Kraft who had paid the company dearly (probably 170 billion). But the operation did not produce the expected results and the choice was to liquidate the stake. Thus Malgara's interest was met with satisfaction. For his part, Malgara, chairman and managing director of Chari & Forti, exceeds the threshold of 350 billion in turnover, not far from the turnover which he considers the necessary critical mass. More exactly, the goal is to reach 450-500 billion in turnover in a short time. Chiari & Forti was taken over by the American Quaker and its strong points are Cuore oil and pasta, Topazio oil, Sorba gourmet products. The Paf was purchased by beating a French consortium led by Paribas in the home stretch. The Malgara group reached its current size in three years starting from an initial turnover of around thirty billion. The agreement with Kraft on Fini provides for the use of the Invernizzi sales network for the sale of changed hands.

Chiari & Forti continues acquisitions

Since he bought Negroni salami from the Kraft Jacobs Suchard group, Giulio Malgara has earned a reputation as the standard-bearer of the Made in Italy food universe. Anyone who was a kid at the time of Carosello remembers the slogan "there are many stars, millions of millions, the Negroni star means quality". But then it passed into foreign hands and that's where all the taste of our home ended up. Now he is back home, as is Fini, the other emblem of Italian cuisine, again thanks to the president and managing director of Chiari & Forti. Which for years has been pursuing its project of creating a group large enough to enter Europe with the same cartridges as its competitors. And it does so by relying on Giovanni Tamburi, one of the most popular consultants on the market, a great connoisseur of Italian entrepreneurship and the related M&A mechanisms; (merger and acquisition) and privatizations. Returning to Malgara, the first attempt to create a large food center was wrecked due to a problem with partners. Let's talk about Garma, the company he had created with Raul Gardini and which, following the unfortunate story of the Ravenna industrialist, had to close its doors. The food hub only began to take shape in 1995, the year in which the Milanese entrepreneur bought Chiari & Forti from the Americans of Quaker Oats. Inside, among other things, there were Cuore oil and pasta, Topazio oil and Pandea di Parma (bakery products). "I had a good company, with high profits - explains Malgara today - but I realized that I needed a more important outlet. I didn't have any high-flying brands, the ones that insiders call hyper flyers". Thus begins the search. But in which direction? It is not a problem for someone like him, an expert in advertising (he is president of the UPA) in the subtle mechanisms of communication. Trades he learned in Silvio Berlusconi's entourage. And he is also the inventor of Auditel. Malgara therefore follows this line of reasoning: all market research shows that a revolution is underway within large-scale distribution. In other words, until about fifteen years ago, 80 percent of supermarket shelves were dominated by dry products, i.e. those that should not be stored in the refrigerator, such as pasta, peeled tomatoes, various tins, rice and so on. 10 percent was represented by frozen foods and the rest by fresh foods (cheese, yoghurt, tortellini and fresh pasta). In the 1990s photography was reversed: the lion's share went to fresh food, followed by frozen food and finally dry food. A quick tour of the horizon to understand that in cheeses and similar there was already too much crowding, while in fresh pasta the monopolist Rana dominated, controlling 36 percent of the market. La Fini, out of the game because he was from Kraft. Therefore only Paf remained available on the market, a small but very active company in Verona (fresh pasta and tortelli) which soon ended up under the umbrella of Chiari & Forti. In the meantime, Kraft decides to sell the fresh pasta sector signed by Fini, so Malgara comes forward and closes the deal. With an option right on cured meats in case the multinational decided to sell. A decision that took shape in recent weeks with the agreement which provides for the acquisition by Chiari & Forti of all the production and marketing activities of Negroni, Fini and Salumeria Invernizzi cured meats. To give more depth to the whole sector, Malgara has entered into a strategic alliance with Luis Gasser, the second producer (after the Senfter group) of speck made in Italy. After the cool, the cold. Around the Veneto, but they will soon cross the regional borders, there are about eighty trucks that bring the frozen Fresco home. But Malgara promises that the shopping campaign is not over. Because it is true that with the acquisitions the turnover has gone from 200 billion in 1996 to a forecast of 600 by this year. But to compete in Europe, an extra size does not hurt.

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